We are a Benefit Corporation

Our purpose lies in establishing a company where the centrality of individuals, in their diverse roles (employee, customer, supplier, community member), is unveiled through the prominence of human connections and the Common Good as our guiding principle.

Hence, our 'essence' genuinely embodies 'social responsibility'. This philosophy underpins the construction of our business model, one that:

  • exemplifies and demonstrates the potential of a "non-extractive" economic framework, one that rejects the exploitation of individuals, the propagation of excessive inequalities, wastage, and heedless pollution;

  • through supportive, equitable collaboration, acknowledges accomplishments achieved through teamwork, rather than solely individual feats, negating the corrosive impact on social systems often associated with a meritocracy that privileges certain individuals over service;

  • fosters and aids in cultivating human relationships, extending beyond mere economic-financial interactions;

  • harnesses profit as a vehicle for fostering happiness within our company and beyond, reframing it as a conduit rather than a sole objective.


"The ultimate goal of Tirelli & Partners is to enhance the well-being and happiness of all those who are part of the organization, fostering a work environment that is fair, supportive, and inspirational, while contributing to a business that promotes shared prosperity"

Inclusion of the following common benefit purposes

The activities that encompass the corporate mission shall include the following, with the aim of promoting the common good:

  • a commitment to implementing tangible policies and actions that yield positive societal and environmental impacts;

  • raising awareness and endorsing business models that embrace social and environmental responsibility, especially the B Corp business model and the legal designation of a benefit corporation, across the real estate industry and beyond;

  • establishing collaborations and synergies with for-profit entities, non-profit organizations, foundations, and similar entities whose mission aligns and synergizes with ours, to amplify the positive outcomes of their initiatives.

Human resources remuneration policy

"The maximum annual salary (including bonuses) for managers/directors, employees, and collaborators of the company shall not exceed a ratio of 1:7, with part-time contracts prorated based on contracted hours. If, at the end of the year, one or more individuals are found to exceed the stipulated ratio, a bonus will be provided to rectify the discrepancy and align with the 1:7 ratio."

Distribution of corporate profits

The net profit as indicated on the balance sheet, reduced by a minimum of 5% (five percent) allocated to a legal reserve until it reaches a fifth of the capital, shall be distributed as follows:

  • The lesser of either 20% (twenty percent) of profits or 2% (two percent) of turnover shall be earmarked for associations pursuing beneficial, cultural, and environmental goals;

  • To shareholders/partners in proportion to ownership percentage, not exceeding a calculated figure derived from the sum of paid-up share capital and capital contribution payments, based on the formula: (1+(8.5%+ECB rate)^n), where ECB rate signifies the European Central Bank's rate for refinancing operations. The dividend calculation accounts for years when dividends are not distributed or are below the stipulated yield;

  • A remaining statutory reserve, undistributable during the company's existence, reserved exclusively for business-related projects and not available for free capital increase purposes."

As a Benefit Company, commencing from the fiscal year 2020, we gauge our progress toward each common good objective through an Impact Report. This report assesses activities from the prior year and outlines a plan for improvement in the future. To objectively measure and report our impact, we have chosen to utilize the Benefit Impact Assessment (BIA), an internationally recognized benchmark developed by B Lab, a nonprofit organization based in the USA.