
Legge di bilancio 2025: 2 anni per vendere la "prima casa" e importanti agevolazioni fiscali
Tra le nuove norme della Legge di Bilancio 2025, vogliamo segnalarvi una norma molto interessante per chi sta pensando di comprare casa. Fino al 31 dicembre 2024 infatti, tutti coloro che avessero acquistato un immobile con agevolazioni “prima casa” avevano solo un anno di tempo per vendere o donare l'immobile già posseduto. Dal 1° gennaio 2025 il termine raddoppia a due anni, dando la possibilità ai proprietari di aver maggiore flessibilità. Non solo quindi, si avrà più tempo per vendere (o donare) l’immobile ma, in questo lasso di tempo, non si perderà il beneficio fiscale dell’imposta di registro del 2%.

Luxury Residences Report - I Half 2024 - Press Release
Tirelli & Partners Società Benefit presented today the "Luxury Residences Report" featuring data of the first half of 2024. For over twenty years, it has been a reference point for those who wish to better understand and invest in the dynamic Milan real estate market.

Benefits and Considerations in Real Estate Investment: The Tirelli&Partners Approach
Real estate investment offers significant opportunities for those who wish to diversify their portfolios and ensure long-term financial stability. In particular, the luxury real estate market in Milan represents a unique opportunity due to the steady growth in demand and the strength of the market. In this article, we will explore the main advantages and considerations to keep in mind when investing in luxury real estate.

How to Prepare a Luxury Home for Sale: Definitive Guide
Selling a luxury home requires a strategic and well-structured approach. It is not simply a matter of putting the property on the market, but of presenting it in the best possible way to attract qualified buyers and enhancing it according to its real potential. With Tirelli&Partners, every aspect of the sale is taken care of down to the last detail, ensuring that your property is valued in the right way, based on current market data and analysis.

The story of the Vajont disaster 61 years later
Sixty-one years have passed since the Vajont disaster, which claimed the lives of more than two thousand people on October 9, 1963. Younger people have only heard about it in passing, and probably not everyone knows how such a tragedy came about. In fact, there are several causes behind the landslide that caused the tidal wave and the consequent overflow of more than 50 million cubic meters of water and mud from the newly created dam, which poured over the Piave Valley affecting more than 20 towns, destroying the town of Longarone and causing two thousand victims.

How to Establish the Right Price for Your Luxury Property
Determining the right price for a luxury property is crucial to attracting buyers without compromising the value of your investment. Following a strategy based on market analysis and qualitative factors can guide you in setting the optimal price.

Guide to Buying Your First Home
Buying your first home is a significant moment and a major personal investment. Understanding the process and preparing properly can make the experience less stressful and more rewarding. With more than 35 years of experience, a deep understanding of the Milan real estate market, and our dedication to building human relationships, we offer a step-by-step guide to help you with your first home purchase.

Ordinary Men - #4 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
We continue with the column "Ordinary Men" in which we wish to rediscover some personalities and their testimony of life. "Normal men" are human beings, so they include both males and females. At times when we may find in ourselves a propensity to grasp the "bad examples" of life and the world, we believe it is important to rediscover people who have lived responsible lives, leaving signs that today we can grasp and make our own.

Real estate purchases and sales of 2023
The National Council of Notaries, the only source that provides details of residential transactions divided by price ranges, recently published data on 2023 real estate transactions. These data allow us to analyze the trend of Italian buying and selling for the luxury real estate segment, which in Italy is defined by the sale price above 1 million euros. Unfortunately, in fact, in the survey in question the last bracket contains all transactions equal to or above this threshold without the possibility of further segmenting.

A sustainable project in the Netherlands
In this article we tell you about an initiative that is turning the rooftops of Amsterdam into veritable hanging gardens.

Second Homes Abroad: New Tax Scenarios
For owners of second homes abroad, the rules of the game are changing: from January 2024 there are new tax scenarios.

New Rental Rules: IMU May Be Charged to Tenants
IMU, Imposta Municipale Unica, is the tax provided at the municipal level for all those who own a property other than their first home, which replaced the old Ici, Irpef and other regional and municipal surtaxes, and was established in 2011 by the Monti government through the Salva-Italia maneuver.It is therefore a tax paid by the landlord that, except for instrumental properties, is not deductible from income. Perhaps not everyone knows that current regulations allow the tax to be put on the tenant of a lease if this has been agreed between the parties and specified in the lease.

110% Superbonus and Capital Gains: The New Tax Regulations.
The Budget Law 2024 introduced major changes for the taxation of capital gains from the sale of properties that took advantage of the 110% Superbonus.

A new way of thinking about the world: thinking with bread
Those who know us know that we at Tirelli&Partners are staunch supporters of initiatives that generate a positive impact on the community. When we discovered MadreProject, The School of Bread and Places through the City of Milan's civic crowdfunding campaign, we were deeply impressed by their mission and innovative approach. Supporting their campaign not only allowed us to contribute to the project, but also to participate in a different kind of team building day.

Ad Usum Fabricae - The Construction of the Duomo of Milan
This article traces almost in its entirety the talk I gave at the end of the lecture entitled "Ad Usum Fabricae - The Construction of the Milan Cathedral" by Prof. Mariella Carlotti at the annual event of Tirelli & Partners held on January 30, 2013.

Documents Needed to Sell a Property: Essential Guide for the Milan Market
Selling a property is a meticulous process that requires the preparation of a series of essential legal documents. These documents ensure not only the validity and compliance of the transaction with current laws, but also the peace of mind and security of all parties involved. Below, we present an accurate list of indispensable documents that sellers must have ready to proceed with the sale of a property in Milan with the utmost tranquillity.

The Valuation Process of a Luxury Property: How to Determine the Right Price
Investing in a luxury property requires meticulous appraisal to ensure a sustainable return on investment. In this article, we will explore the valuation process that we at Tirelli&Partners put in place, thanks to our Luxury Residences Report, a key tool that analyzes the trends in Milan's luxury real estate market.

Buying Your Dream Home: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide
Buying your dream home is an important milestone in your life. This practical guide will take you through the essential steps to ensure a smart and satisfying investment, without complications.

Kennedy, Khrushchev and John XXIII: The Story of an Unexpected Peace
A new appointment with the column resulting from the kind collaboration with the monthly "Aggiornamenti sociali", a Jesuit magazine that for over sixty years has been addressing the crucial junctions of social, political and ecclesial life, articulating Christian faith and justice. It offers tools to orient oneself in a constantly changing world, with an interdisciplinary approach and in the dialogue between action and social reflection. It is the result of the work of an editorial team made up of Jesuits and lay people from the Milan and Palermo offices and a large group of qualified collaborators. Aggiornamenti Sociali is part of the network of journals and of the Jesuit Research and Social Action Centres in Europe (Eurojess), and of the Federation «Jesuit Social Network-Italia Onlus»

How to Enhance Your Luxury Property: Tips for a Quick and Profitable Sale
Have you decided to list your luxury property for sale, but want to maximize its value and ensure a quick and profitable sale? Follow these valuable tips to make the most of your property and attract potential buyers interested in the luxury real estate market.

Ordinary Men - #3 Father Van Thuan: Witness of Hope
We continue with the column "Ordinary Men" in which we wish to rediscover some personalities and their testimony of life. "Normal men" are human beings, so they include both males and females. At times when we may find in ourselves a propensity to grasp the "bad examples" of life and the world, we believe it is important to rediscover people who have lived responsible lives, leaving signs that today we can grasp and make our own.

Investing in Luxury Properties in Milan: A Guide for International Buyers
If you are an international buyer interested in investing in luxury properties in Milan, you have come to the right place. Milan, with its unique combination of history, culture and worldliness, offers a dynamic and growing luxury real estate market. Follow this guide to get essential information and practical advice on how to invest in prestigious properties effectively and profitably.

Milan: The Capital of Luxury Real Estate in Italy
Milan, the vibrant capital of fashion, design and business in Italy, is also renowned for being a major destination in the luxury real estate market. With its unique combination of thousands of years of history, cosmopolitan culture and economic vitality, Milan attracts national and international investors looking for prestigious properties. Find out why Milan is considered the capital of luxury real estate in Italy and what are its distinctive features that make it a sought-after destination in high-end real estate.

The courage to decide who we are
Who am I really? Where do I come from, what are my origins, and who are my friends? These are existential questions that can be summarized in one question: what identifies me as a person?

Luxury Residences Report - II Half 2023 - Press Release
Tirelli & Partners Società Benefit presented today the Luxury Residences Report, with data for the second half of 2023. Dedicated to those who want to better understand and invest in the dynamic Milanese market, a landmark that concludes its 20th year with this publication.

The Nabajyotisaikia method: if you make a mistake, I'll help you
We discovered a surprising custom among some African tribes. They apply the Nabajyotisaikia method, which means "I respect you, I nurture you. It matters to me," to deal with and help people in their tribe who have made a mistake or otherwise done something bad.

HAPPY HAND draws animals by Franco Cosimo Panini
Some time ago I came across this book of children's drawings in my hands and instantly fell in love with it. I was rummaging with Daniela, my wife, among the books at Odradek - a small bookstore in Via Principe Eugenio in Milan run by Felice and Anna, booksellers like there are few, when all of a sudden in her hands appeared this book with a white cover just splashed with red.It is a beautiful book from which overflows the talent of an author who goes by the nickname Mano Felice (and never was a more appropriate nickname) and his assistant Alessandro Sanna.

Ordinary Men - #2 Steve Biko
We continue with the "Ordinary Men" column in which we wish to rediscover some personalities and their testimony of life. "Normal Men" are human beings; they therefore include both males and females. At times when we perhaps find in ourselves a propensity to grasp of life and the world "bad examples," we believe it is important to rediscover people who have lived responsible lives leaving marks that we can grasp and make our own today.

Renting Luxury: Stories of Authenticity
In a world where homes are often considered simply as physical spaces, there is an invitation to look beyond the walls and immerse yourself in a narrative that goes far beyond the structure. This is the temporary rental, an initiative that transforms the home into the protagonist of a narrative designed for a select luxury clientele, a clientele that appreciates authenticity and wants to be a guest in your home as it is, lived in and full of stories to tell.

Elle Decor interviews Marco E. Tirelli: the rules for selling your home at its best
Selling a house is far from simple: it means letting go of a piece of one's life, with the risk, by getting too emotional, of getting lost between expectations and reality when one should have steady nerves and a clear mind. How to profitably deal with a sale that touches such sensitive strings? Elle Decor asks Marco E. Tirelli.

The poetry of unstable balance
We are accustomed to grasping art through the emotions aroused by sculptures, paintings, installations, ballets or musical compositions. It is less often the case that equally intense emotions are expressed through performance art such as that of Miyoko Shida.

Ordinary Men - #1 Dom Hélder Camara
With this article we inaugurate the "Normal Men" column in which we wish to rediscover some personalities and their testimony of life. "Normal Men" are human beings; they therefore include both males and females. At times when we perhaps find in ourselves a propensity to grasp of life and the world "bad examples," we believe it is important to rediscover people who have lived responsible lives leaving marks that we can grasp and make our own today.

Why ChomeTEMPORARY: contemporaneity as responsibility.
Living in one's own time is an act of responsibility to all Humanity, present, past and future. It is a receiving from those who have gone before us to give to those who will succeed us, having enjoyed it together with the men and women of our time.

B Corp: or how to overcome capitalism and live happily
That is why our real estate company has decided to turn its back on capitalism as we have known it until now.

The 10 oldest Christmas markets in Europe
From the Christmas Markets in Trentino Alto Adige and major locations in Italy to those in Switzerland, via those inGermany and France, today we show you a gallery of the 10 oldest Christmas Markets in Europe. A meeting point of cultures and traditions in a magical Christmas atmosphere.

Luxury Residences Report - I half 2023 - Press release
The market for buying and selling exclusive residences in Milan in the first half of 2023 shows strong differentiation on the demand side. On the one hand, for residences in the High and Top segment (price greater than 3 million), demand in the six-month period remained consistent, both from foreign and local buyers, both looking for rare buying opportunities. On the other hand, in the middle segment, demand was less active, mainly due to the more cautious and wait-and-see attitude shown by potential Italian buyers.

Impact Report 2022
We are pleased to present to you for the third consecutive year our Impact Report covering the year 2022. A fundamentally important document for us, equated with our economic balance sheet.The annual report on our activities, the value generated for people and the environment, and our responsible, sustainable and transparent operations represent a commitment to ourselves, justice, responsibility and solidarity, as well as to all of you and the world at large.

Luxury Residences Report - II half 2022 - Press release
In the second half of 2022, demand for exclusive residences in Milan-in the "mid-range" and only for the local and domestic component-showed a certain slowdown compared to the record-breaking frenzy recorded in the previous six months. This is only partially due to the changed conditions of access to credit, but mainly to the uncertain situation of future scenarios.

Using art to see the invisible in business
Italy is an open-air museum because for centuries art has not been locked inside in museums, but has been considered a necessary and indispensable part of human life. Our cities of art, which attract millions of visitors every year, were born out of this feeling of economy and life as shoots coming from the same root, of feeling the "Common Good" a personal necessity before a moral one. At Tirelli & Partners this year we worked on an Art Thinking project that excited us in the process and even more so in the outcome. Read the story that Francesco Cascino - curator and creator with us of the project - did for you.

Luxury Residences Report - I half 2022 - Press release
A historic six-month period, in which as far as buying and selling is concerned we highlight a demand that is once again very active and determined, but at the same time very selective and mature in the purchase decision.

Luxury Residences Report - II half 2021 - Press release
The second half of 2021 still sees irrepressible purchase demand, which continues its momentum in both the search for first homes and the replacement component. The area of income investment is also growing vigorously after a physiological decline during the period marked by the pandemic-induced lull in rentals.

Luxury Residences Report - I half 2021 - Press release
The first half of 2021 still sees very active purchase demand on all levels of the exclusive residences segment, both in the "low" (up to 2M€) and - and even more so - in the Top (over 5M€) range. In both cases, demand far outstrips supply, further invigorated by the gradual removal of restrictive measures imposed during the pandemic and, above all, by the brightening of the economic outlook and scenario in the short and medium term.

Luxury Residences Report - II half 2020 - Press release
The second half of 2019 confirms Milan's particularly bright moment in terms of demand for exclusive housing: the average absorption index, i.e., the share of homes sold to those on offer, reaches 22%. In H1 2013, the index was 2.8%. "If 6.5 years ago 3 out of every 100 houses on the market were not being sold, today almost 8 times as many are being sold," declares Gabriele Torchiani.

Luxury Residences Report - I half 2020 - Press release
The first half of 2020 includes the three months of almost total closure due to the health emergency. It is clear that, referring to a half-activity interval, the indicators for the period can only mark a negative figure. Therefore, the entire confinement period between February 24 and May 17 has been expunged from this survey.

Luxury Residences Report - II half 2019 - Press release
The second half of 2019 confirms Milan's particularly bright moment in terms of demand for exclusive housing: the average absorption index, i.e., the share of homes sold to those on offer, reaches 22%. In H1 2013, the index was 2.8%. "If 6.5 years ago 3 out of every 100 houses on the market were not being sold, today almost 8 times as many are being sold," declares Gabriele Torchiani.

Luxury Residences Report - I half 2019 - Press release
In this general panorama of great lights and rosy prospects for at least the next five years, Milan's residential market and in particular the market for exclusive residences are experiencing great ferment, held back only by the chronic lack of supply of adequate quality.

Tirelli & Partners for the Environment
This forest was created to absorb the CO2 production that we estimate we produced each year.

Luxury Residences Report - II half 2018 - Press release
Compared with the first part of the year, asking prices still rise by 1.4 percent in the average value, 1.7 percent in the average maximum (houses in the first quartile by total price, thus the most exclusive and expensive). Top prices per square meter increase by as much as 2.1 percent. The Quadrilateral records both the highest asking price for a residence on the market (20 M €) and the highest value transaction realized, a house paid 8.6 M €.

Luxury Residences Report - I half 2018 - Press release
"Remarkable first part of 2018! Undoubtedly the best half-year in the last seven years in terms of buying and selling" - Marco Tirelli begins. All key indicators show positive signs; the boost in demand is mighty in all segments and for all types of use: for first home buyers, for replacement and for investment.